How to deal with emergencies in an increasingly multicultural society? How to build communities and territories that are truly resilient? What is the role of the different actors involved in emergency management (institutions, civil protection agencies, third sector, citizens…)?

These questions, which guided the AMARE-EU European project, have become especially relevant in the last few months, in a way we couldn’t foresee when we were developing and carrying out the project. The international health emergency caused by the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 has confronted us with serious inequalities in access to health, but has also brought out solutions and ideas for an inclusive emergency management.

The webinar Beyond the emergency: how to build a resilient community? (in Italian) will focus on these issues and questions, starting from the AMARE-EU project, which has experimented and implemented concrete tools to make cities more resilient and inclusive following a multicultural approach.

Different voices will enliven the event with short speeches, open to interaction with the public through chat.
Francesca Borga (EPC srl, leader of the AMARE-EU project) will present the highlights of the project; Silvia Festi (Lai-momo) will talk about practical experiences of intercultural emergency management, yesterday (2012 earthquake in Emilia Romagna) and today (COVID-19 emergency); Sara Saleri (Lai-momo) will illustrate one of the tools developed within the project, the AMARE-EU toolkit; Antonio De Marco (Municipality of Catanzaro) will recount the experience of his city as a pilot-city in the project, between successes and still open challenges; Sandra Federici (Lai-momo) will present the dossier “Emergency, community, resilience” of the magazine Africa e Mediterraneo; finally Cristina De Martis and Giampaolo Peccolo (AICCRE) will present the point of view of the municipalities on the project.


Just follow this link on May the 28th at 17.00