On November 14th, AMARE-EU partners EPC and PPI left their cold countries to meet in Nicosia, Cyprus, to take part in the 1st Nicosia Risk Forum. During our participation to the Risk Forum we had the chance to present AMARE-EU to a network of researchers and organizations tackling the issues of security, safety and risk management in an inspiring symposium. It was also an important moment for partners to meet and work on the next steps of the project.

Since its launch in March 2018, the AMARE-EU Project was presented all over Europe, and first ties were created with the already large and very active network of local institutions, organizations and researchers engaged in the promotion of social inclusion and integration policies and the boosting of urban resilience and risk-management. Aiming to support cities to become a safer and more inclusive place to live for their citizens, AMARE-EU Partners presented the project taking the chance to gather feedbacks and suggestions from experts in the fields.
The project was first presented in July 2018, during the third edition of the Summer School on Migration and Asylum, organized by Lai-momo Cooperativa Sociale and Africa e Mediterraneo​ in Bologna. The project was received with interest by the participants to the summer school, coming from all over the world, who engaged in a lively debate about cities’ resilience and migrants’ needs in conditions of natural disasters.
In September 2018, AMARE-EU attended the Resilience Festival – Città e territori dinamici | Resilienze Festival, in Bologna, Italy. This local festival focused on urban resilience as a dynamic and innovative process that leads to a change that can be internalized and become cultural heritage of the cities and their inhabitants. Within this framework, Lai-momo took the chance to present AMARE-EU and gained interesting insights about the experiences and challenges faced by local stakeholders and members of the local civil society active in promoting resilience.

After the launch of the self-assessment tool and the publication of the call for interest, AMARE-EU is now starting the new phase of the project, looking forward to our next stopovers: Vejle, Denmark, in April for the first meeting with the selected pilot cities, and Bonn, Germany, to take part in the ICLEI annual conference!