Det europæiske projekt AMARE-EU fokuserer på at udvikle konkrete, omkostningslave og implementerbare løsninger til at involvere og informere borgere af forskellige oprindelser i at gøre deres egen by til et bedre og mere trygt sted at bo.

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Amare Project Funded by European Union Civil Protection


The resilience of a city is its capacity to respond to difficulties, emergencies, or stressful events in a positive and constructive manner.

This response should ultimately lead to a constructive recovery process involving all aspects of complexity that characterize the cities of today: cultural, social, and economic diversity, together with local cultural heritage. All this to achieve in-depth, long-term recovery of the city and all its inhabitants. Therefore, the resilience of a city is based on its capacity not to leave behind groups that are considered most at risk because of economic, social, cultural, and linguistic factors.

A resilient city draws from the strength of all its inhabitants and grows out of the differences between them. Resilient cities understand and embody diversity as layers of strength from which to draw upon, both in routine times as well as in times of need (both natural and man-made disasters).



Is the information system of our cities good enough to reach all the citizens?

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Project activities start from the development of an online self-assessment tool

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Forventede resultater

Improved capacity of European cities to protect their citizens

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Pilot Cities

En invitation til deltagelse i projektet vil blive lanceret, hvorefter fire europæiske pilot byer udvælges til at teste og implemtere det udviklede materiale og approach med direkte støtte og ekspertise fra projekt partnerne.

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Dokumenter & Ressourcer

I denne sektion kan du finde dokumenter, reporter, værktøjer og udvalgte undersøgelser, der relaterer sig til centrale emner i AMARE-EU projektet

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AMARE-EU projektet vil udvikle et online selvevalueringsværktøj, der skal hjælpe byer med at teste deres kapacitet i forhold til at skabe en forebyggelseskultur i multikulturelle samfund.
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